December 14th
As we draw close to Christmas on every child’s mind are the presents they are going to receive. David was no exception; his list had been prepared for quite some time. The hardest part was deciding when it was complete and when to send it – what if something new came into the shops?
Keeping his list hidden, David asked…
“Dad, would one big present and six smaller ones be okay to ask for?”
“I don’t think it’s about what or how much we ask for; at this stage It’s more about preparing to be content with what we receive.”
“I feel sad that my giving list is much smaller, because I don’t have much to give.”
“Don’t worry my boy, that’s because you have not yet realised just how much you really have to give to others.”
We know the story of Christmas; all we want are the presents and we just can't wait till Christmas morning. Waking long before daybreak and trying to be quiet, though inside we are ready to burst. Is it all that I asked for, as the wrapping paper is discarded in seconds?
Do we imagine we have everything wrapped up? That all is ready and in place – a common greeting at this time of year is “Are you all ready for Christmas then?”
Jesus, the perfect gift cannot be wrapped, though we need to unpack the full meaning of his coming – be prepared, for this process of unpacking may take many years. This true gift is priceless, yet freely given out of Gods intention that we may be one.
We feel there is a need to repay a gift for a gift, even to a point of keeping some gifts with no labels – just in case the Smith family give us a gift! God’s pure gift cannot be earned, deserved or paid back. We should also not presume we already have it!
John 1: 9-13
To become children of God
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
Father God, thank you for sending your Son Jesus the Christ. So that we may begin to unwrap the mystery of your love, bringing to all who receive – light and new life. A gift that comes to life in living and giving to others.
Conversations are two way
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Tomorrow – A Starry Night