December 9th
David’s uncle and aunt were visiting, they were enjoying tea together and catching up on their news. There was a lot of talk about, who they remembered when they were young – grandparents, great uncles and aunts. While uncle Jim was helping himself to another slice of cake, David spoke up and Dad was quick to answer.
“I know what a census is, but why does everyone have to be counted?”
“Here in England, a census is taken every ten years. The government needs to know how many people there are, where they have come from and their ages – so they can make sure there is enough space, houses, food for the people around them. It also had to do with paying taxes.”
“But Mary and Joseph went to another town to register?”
“Yes, because that was their original family home. Families have always been important, no matter what the difficulties.”
We begin to know more about who we are when we listen to stories of our family and where we come from. There are strong similarities between us, that creates a sense of belonging – like putting on an old pair of slippers, they just fit right.
Joseph and Mary were both from the house and lineage of David, Mary’s parents were Joachim and Anne; already we feel we know this young couple. Even today, we use such words as – “Well, you must be Tom and Bette’s son?” We find it helpful to place people within a group we can relate to.
When we associate ourselves with the family of God, we find it difficult to imagine we are made in God’s image. A mirror will not reflect the God image we are looking for so we focus on the physical (“isn’t he like his Dad”).
Genesis 5:1 Adam’s line
This is the written account of Adam’s family line. When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God.
Creator God, you dwell in relationship with the Son and Holy Spirit. Our deepest call is to be in relationship with you and all your creation. We pray for our families, those who are close, and those who are distant. Heal our divisions and differences and enable us to focus on our similarities. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Conversations are two way
We welcome your comments
Tomorrow – The Inn Keeper