December 23rd
David had found a new game in the playground – follow the leader. There had been lots of fun as the leaders discovered limitations of the followers and used this to their advantage. Try as they may, many of the followers could not keep up. Inevitably, some dropped out quickly and some challenged the leaders for their position. Fun games turned to discontent.
“Dad, who makes the rules?”
“That’s a good question son. Lots of people for lots of reasons. Why, what you been doing?”
“Oh, I’m not in trouble Dad, just that the game we were playing didn’t seem fair, so it didn’t last long.”
“Well sometimes it’s not the rules that are wrong, just the way they are used. Often it helps to get things clear at the start – especially with games.”
Often, we will follow someone if we feel they have a clear view of where to go, or we’re prepared to follow someone’s directions. The wise men followed a star which was predicted in their charts. They would have set out long before the Christ child’s birth. The shepherds followed the directions of an angel to meet the one who would redeem all things, fulfil the law and set a new order.
We have heard the call and been given the directions to follow the Master. We hesitate – reasoning gets in the way, doubt emerges, what if?
Our rule so often is, if I doubt then don’t do it. We think there must be a catch, nothing is for free, if there is no cost then it can’t be of value. Our rules are so upside down!
John 8:12
Jesus’ Testimony
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
Jesus my Lord, you entered my darkness and called me to follow you. Guide me and guard me, teach me your ways. May I meet with you and receive your gift of love, a love that carries forgiveness and healing. Amen
Conversations are two way
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Tomorrow – Holy Spirit