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John Pearson

December 2nd

David enjoyed a good story, even though he understood it was not real and could never be real in this world of ours. Dad would read stories to him, and in later years David would begin to read for himself. Adventure stories were his favourite books, the more exciting the better.

Laying down his book, David asked…

“Dad – What is imagination, and how do I get it?”

“That’s a good one my boy. I think imagination comes pre-loaded when we are born. Some people seem to be able to hold onto it better than others though; such as writers and artists.”

“Okay, but what is it?”

“Well I guess it is the part of us that needs to figure out what is happening. Sometimes that is difficult, so we have to make up something that fits – until we make better sense of it.”

“So, it is thoughts and ideas that can be turned into something?”

“Yes, someone first had to have the idea about flying, before an aeroplane could be made.”

We use our imagination when we meet something we can’t understand. The story we create holds us till we can recognise more. Part of growing up is about recognising more than we first imagined and relating our story to the world we are experiencing.

We are using our imagination all the time. It’s like we are testing everything around us “what if this – what if that”? We play out scenarios (stories) in our head to see which one would be best.

Great mysteries are held within stories, for those who can discover them. Christ, who was there at the beginning, knows our thoughts and ways. Jesus taught us through stories (parables) so that we could begin to understand these great mysteries. The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, yeast in bread, a precious pearl, a man who scatters seed or a dragnet that is cast into the sea…

Matthew 13:44 The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”


Heavenly Father teach me, through your Son, in a way that I can understand. Reveal the mysteries that will keep me on the right path, recognising Christ in the stranger. I ask this with all my heart, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit – three in one. Amen.

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