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Laid on Straw

John Pearson

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

December 17th

David had been busy at school creating a nativity scene with cardboard and paint. This was only a small classroom model but it was missing one very important item. David wanted to be the one to provide that part and came rushing home to ask Dad…

“Dad, where will I find some straw?”

“I have no idea son. The fields will be clear at this time of year.”

“But Dad, I have to find some for the manger, to keep baby Jesus warm and comfy.”

“Well, straw is used as bedding for animals – if we are quick, we might catch the pet shop before it closes.”

“Oh great, thanks Dad!”

Our idea of the Christ child in a nativity scene can be one of warmth, comfort and safety. This is far from the truth. Some were expecting the birth of a Messiah and were out to kill him. Yet here he was, laid in a manger which was laid at the feet of the Ox and the Ass.

Straw may be fitting for animals, but not for a new-born baby. The spikes would be so sharp and hard, even though Jesus was wrapped in swathing bands (swaddling clothes), literally bound fast with his arms by his side and unable to move.

Jesus was born into suffering from the start. The family would not stay long at Bethlehem as an Angel would warn Joseph to flee to safety in Egypt, where it is thought they spent three years. Joseph received another message from an Angel to tell him it was safe to return to Palestine, for Herod was dead. The holy family knew what it was to live a life of a refugee.

Luke 2:10-12

And the angel said to them, Fear not, for behold, I announce to you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all the people; for to-day a Saviour has been born to you in David's city, who is Christ the Lord.

And this is the sign to you: you shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling-clothes and lying in a manger.


Father God, creator of all things, through your Son Jesus the Christ you experienced the fullness of our suffering, becoming weak and vulnerable, bound tightly in swaddling clothes. Through your suffering, death and resurrection, you released us from our bondage. Your promise is eternal life hereafter and new life now.

May I not bring you straw nor gifts of Frankincense or Myrrh – may I find a way to offer myself to you in the knowledge of your love. Amen.

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Tomorrow – Ox and Ass


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