December 10th
David finally had a part in the school nativity play. He was to be the Inn keeper, not always the part asked for or gratefully received. Perhaps it was better than playing a sheep or a goat. The words were simple too; “No room” and “Round the back!” Dad had to coax out of him, the story of how he was chosen…
“So Dad, what did an Inn keeper wear in those days?”
“Normal clothes I guess, nothing special. An Inn keeper would be a welcoming person and one who would have tried hard to please visitors, even when stressed at busy times.”
“No one special then?”
“In the story, the Inn keeper plays an important part, offering what little space he has with the animals.”
Was there ever an Inn keeper? Well it’s not clear; in the original story an Inn keeper is not mentioned. It is much more likely that Joseph and Mary would have stayed with family, arriving before her time was due. The original Bible word in Greek (Kataluma) is better translated as “guest room.” As the guest rooms in this family home were full, Joseph and Mary found space on the ground floor, a room shared with the animals and a manger.
We can be too preoccupied with detail and miss the whole story. Perhaps the Inn keeper’s part is the part we should play, welcoming the Christ child into the space where we live our everyday life – animals and all.
Luke 2:6-7
While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
Father God, I believe your greatest desire is for each one of us to know you, through your Son Jesus the Christ. I pray that my heart may be open to receive you within the ordinary parts of my life and the parts I play each day. Amen.
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Tomorrow – Herodes Magnus